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Easy to install harristone


Easy to install and easy to maintain. Harristone is the smart, efficient choice.

Harristone Veneer™ Installation Instructions

Stone Venee Istallatio Over Masonry
  1. On a clean surface, Harristone veneer™ may be applied directly to a masonry backing without mesh. Painted or waterproofed masonry surfaces should be cleaned and sandblasted to provide a good bond surface.

  2. Apply Type-S (or equivalent) cement mortar at least ½” thick.

  3. Install Harristone Veneer™.

  4. Brush, tool and rake the Type-S (or equivalent) mortar joint.

Harristone veneer™ is a tested and proven product. See G.S. Harris Co., Inc. installation specification and ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. Evaluation Report # ESR-1593 reissued October 2023, for allowable values and/or conditions of use for all materials presented in this document.

  • Harristone Precast Stone Veneer is used as an adhered wall veneer.

  • Download our Harristone Install Guide HERE.

  • Download our ICC-ES #1593 Report HERE.

NOTE: All installations must comply with local building codes and manufacturer’s specifications.

Stone Veneer Instal Over Wood Substrate
  1. Install structurally sound wood substrate.

  2. Apply two layers of Grade-D building paper.

  3. Attach 3.4 metal lath or #17 gauge, 1-½” woven wire stucco mesh.

  4. Apply a scratch coat of Type-S mortar (or equivalent) approximately ½” thick over the metal lath or stucco wire.

  5. Apply a ¾” thick Type-S (or equivalent) mortar setting bed to the back of each Harristone and press the stone into place over a moistened scratch coat.

  6. Brush, tool and rake the Type-S (or equivalent) mortar joint.

Have a question about installation? Please feel free to call us: 888-878-6631. One of our staff will gladly help you.

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